Some of my favorite reactions to my TED talk.

This week marks 2 months since my TED talk at TED2012:Full Spectrum in Long Beach, California.
I've literally received hundreds (if not thousands) of incredibly heartwarmingly positive messages (only 3 negative ones so far), & made time to respond to every single one personally. I received them primarily through Twitter, Facebook, Vimeo, youTube, E-mail, & even TEDconnect.
As of this posting my 1 Second Everyday video has been loaded 1.3+ million times.
This morning I received a lovely thank you e-mail from TED curator Chris Anderson which included some of the feedback he received from TEDsters after my talk:
- I really enjoyed the One Second Video concept -- it has stayed with me.
- The Kuriyama talk really stood out to me and I'm still thinking about it a week after TED.
- Loved Cesar's concept and philosophy. It certainly made me evaluate life from a different perspective and is a powerful idea.
- Cesar Kuriyama was amongst my top three TED Talks. Captured the best of TED: great techology with a personal story, socially significant and breathtaking personal achievement... just wonderful. What a great way to end the week.
- Cesar - his video is a wonderful diary: a digital diary.
- Cesar expressed a super idea
- Cesar's idea was amazing
- Cesar's talk was one of the ones I was most looking forward to. Loved his project and his video.
- A nice end to the week. Cesar's idea was amazing
- Kuriyama was very creative. I've seen the same with pictures over the years, and/or over the days.. but with video..? no.. he was very, very creative.
2 of my favorite tweets so far:
- Dewar's Whiskey: (right after my talk)
@CesarKuriyama #TED talk "recording one second of my life for the rest of my life" - the best idea we saw for managing a 21st century life
- Cassy Polimeni (last week)
When @CesarKuriyama's life flashes before his eyes, I wonder if it will be his own edit? Amazing project.
My favorite Facebook message comes from someone that understands exactly where I'm headed with the long term APP development of my project:
Since seeing your talk at TED I can't stop thinking about what it would be like if people all over the world started doing this. Not for the purpose of replaying one single life in fast forward. Rather, imagine that you could take a day when some monumental world event happened and tell the computer, "OK, give me 3 minutes of video from that day", and you would get that, not from the perspective of some biased news agency, but from the eyes of the entire human race.
What if you could filter by country, or demographic. "What is the daily life like for a nurse in China" or let's say you were undecided on where to go on vacation, you could tell the system: "give me two minutes of Bangkok from the eyes of 120 people".
But more importantly, what if, after something like 9/11, you would be able to select a foreign country and see the people there, not burning flags in the street like you saw on CNN, but glued to their TV:s watching CNN just like you, shaking their heads in disbelief. And what if people in Palestine and Israel had a direct view into the lives of normal people on the other side of the border. Would they be able to continue shooting at each other when they realized exactly how much they had in common?
If this concept spread throughout the world, we would no longer be able to demonize other countries or cultures. How would that affect us?
- Matti Jaeaearo
And of all the people who've told me that they started their own... this is my favorite work in progress!
Lastly, I get asked a lot when my TED talk will be online. In Chris Anderson's e-mail he added this:
"We look forward to hosting the talk online within the coming months, though I can't give you an exact date yet when it will go live. "

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