My talented hysterical awesome friends turned me into an internet MEME for a week.
On January 9th, 2012... I posted this photo David Merin captured of me in California on Facebook.
On January 10th, 2012... Aaron Toth posted this remix on my Facebook Wall, which was quickly followed by another from Stephen Mann...
On January 11th, 2012... 3 more were posted on my Wall... by Colin Patrick McGreal... David Merin... & Ryan Huban...
I posted those first 6 on Reddit... and it hit the top of the front page in 2 hours! It garnered 780,000+ views.
And that's when ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE! Hundreds of these kept pouring my Facebook Wall NON-STOP for the rest of the week.
Here is a Compilation of my Favorites:
Some MORE:
These were some of the ones created by REDDITORs on the comment thread.